From Saving Lives to Saving the Forest

Released on: May 1, 2008, 6:48 pm

Press Release Author: Cindy Russell

Industry: Environment

Press Release Summary: According to National Geographic, as of 2000, the world is no
longer sustainable. For One Acre at a Time, this knowledge calls them into action.

Press Release Body: Tampa, FL - As many seek more innovative ways to live
"green", a new environmental non-profit company is set to announce its arrival. The
organization, founded by retired Coast Guard rescue swimmer, Gerald R. Hoover, has
the lofty goal of saving American forests - One Acre at a Time - just like his Coast
Guard career where the lives he saved were one person at a time. With the spiraling
loss of 6000 acres of forest per day, according to the US Forestry Service, American
forests are quickly becoming something children will only see in science books or,
at this pace, history books.

Saving the forest is good for the health of the planet and the human race.
Studies show deforestation accounts for 20% of all carbon released into the
atmosphere. Considering the average forest absorbs up to 2.6 tons of carbon per
acre, per year, it's unquestionable that trees are vital to clean air. In
addition, forests help provide clean drinking water, ensure wildlife survival and
provide "green" spaces that are vital to the survival of Earth.

One Acre at a Time's mission is to save forests into perpetuity. Its stated goal
is to preserve 50,000 acres of forest within the first five years. The founders
dream, however, is to ultimately achieve a no-net loss of U.S. forests, which
means preserving existing forests and, whenever trees are removed, planting more
elsewhere. The goal seems overwhelming, but like every journey that begins with
that first step and completed one step at a time, so too is the journey to saving
American forest.

Without reinventing existing mechanisms that preserve forest, One Acre at a Time
has created a new methodology. Through the use of conservation easements, which
are a type of deed restriction that prevent development - forever, One Acre at a
Time will entice landowners into preserving their forests. Currently there are
about 1700 land trusts that hold and monitor conservation easements and ensure
that land owners comply with the no development deed restrictions. Traditionally,
these easements were donated to a land trust as a tax break to landowners. To
increase the number of landowners willing to enter their forest into an easement,
One Acre at a Time will pay them fair market value to do so. Instead of receiving
a tax break, they will receive a cash payment. The key to One Acre at a Time's
success is engaging the American public to join them in this struggle.

To realize the dream One Acre at a Time offers the sale of Conservation Credits
in various increments and packages for individuals, organizations and
corporations. Since One Acre at a Time is a non-profit your purchase is likely
tax deductible. Strategic alliances with land trusts and other like-minded
individuals and organizations will raise awareness of their goals and help
achieve them faster. The fight to save the planet is going on now, join the
You can check them out and meet the founder at the upcoming Pinellas Living
Green Expo May 3-4, 2008 at the Harborview Center located at 300 Cleveland St.
in Clearwater, FL.


Web Site:

Contact Details: One Acre at a Time
Jerry Hoover
3539 Apalachee Pkwy. Suite 3 # 103
Tallahassee, Fl 32348

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